Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Come on down to the Convention!


  1. he looks fitter than his sister

  2. Sweet cap.. nice story, and I LOVE cosplay outfits!


  3. Aw, that's so cute! :P

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to imagine all the awesome scenarios that might arise from this. ^_^

  4. just what kind of convention is this sister i i feel so funny something is very wrong here i i feel like a real girl hey you are a real girl now and you are now my little sister for real this con lets those who ahve so always wanted to be female to become real girls at last and now you are stuck being a girl g for good but it really will not be so very bad and mayb later we can score with some of the other girls who are lesbians and or maybe you would perfer one of those males over thier who used to be girls themselves you see it can still go the other way for girls who want to be boys and a few are like that but not us we are the majority here those who have always wanted to be gils and so we have chnageed for the last time into real females what do you say sis do you like it i sure do sis this is just what i have so always anted to be a girl and now i sure am lets ahve some real fun being girls now yeah sis we sure can do that see i tld you being a girl is the best you are so very right sister it sure is i love being a girl now!
